A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _


OFFSCREEN - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
ONE_ZERO_TAB_OPENED - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.MenuManager
Only one tab or less opened
OPML_1_0_Parser - class net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao.feedparser.OPML_1_0_Parser.
Parser for the OPML 1.0 Format
Specification: http://www.opml.org/spec
OPML_1_0_Parser(Document, Channel, String, Namespace[]) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao.feedparser.OPML_1_0_Parser
Instantiate a new Parser for this format.
OP_ABORTED - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.SimpleFileShop
FileShop constant: Operation was aborted
OP_FAILED - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.SimpleFileShop
FileShop constant: Operation failed
OP_SUCCESSFULL - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.SimpleFileShop
FileShop constant: Operation was successfull
OpenFeedDialog - class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.OpenFeedDialog.
Dialog prompts for the path to a newsfeed to display it in RSSOwl
OpenFeedDialog(Shell, String, String) - Constructor for class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.OpenFeedDialog
Creates an input dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.
objectName(Object) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.Sleak
objects - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.Sleak
okButton - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.BlogrollDialog
okButton - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.CategoryDialog
okButton - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.ImportOPMLDialog
okButton - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.OpenFeedDialog
okButton - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.SearchDialog
oldArea - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
oldErrors - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.Sleak
oldObjects - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.Sleak
onClose(Event) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.GUI
Called when the Shell is closed
onClose(Event, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.GUI
Called when the Shell is closed.
onDispose() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.GUI
Called when the Shell is disposed
onDispose() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
onDispose() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.tray.SystemTrayAlert
Dispose Resources
onIconify() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.GUI
Called when the Shell is Iconified
onKeyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.FavoritesTree
Called whenever a Key is pressed on the Tree
onKeyPressed(Table, KeyEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTable
Called whenever a key is pressed on the Table
onKeyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.HotkeysProperties
A key was pressed inside the hotkey input field.
onKeyReleased() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.HotkeysProperties
A key was released inside the hotkey input field.
onMaximize() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTabFolder
Called whenever the CTabFolder becomes maximized.
onMouseDoubleClick(Event) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.FavoritesTree
The tree was doubleclicked with the mouse
onMouseDoubleClick(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTabFolder
Called whenever the tabfolder is doubleclicked
onMouseDoubleClick(Table) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTable
Called whenever the table is doubleclicked on
onMouseDown(Table, Event) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTable
An item of the newstable has been selected with the Mouse
onMouseMove(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsText
Called whenever the mouse is moving
onMouseUp(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.FavoritesTree
The favorites tree was selected with the Mouse
onMouseUp(Table, Event) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTable
Called whenever the mouse button is released
onMouseUp(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsText
Called whenever the mouse button was released
onPaint(GC) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
onProgressChange(ProgressEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.panel.BrowserPanel
Called whenever the Progress is changing
onProgressCompletion() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.panel.BrowserPanel
Called whenever the Progress is completed
onResize() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
onRestore() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsTabFolder
Called whenever the CTabFolder becomes restored.
onSelection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.FavoritesTree
The tree was selected
onStatusTextChange(StatusTextEvent) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.panel.BrowserPanel
Called whenever the Status Text is changing
onTreeEvent(TreeEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.FavoritesTree
Called whenever a TreeItem is expanded
onlineVersion - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.thread.UpdateManager
RSSOwl Version as String
onlyBorderBottom - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
onlyBorderTop - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
onlyBorderTopBottom - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.ViewForm
onlyWholeWords - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.SearchDialog
open - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.RSSOwlMenu
open() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.FeedDiscoveryDialog
Display the dialog
open() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.FeedSearchDialog
Display the dialog
open() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.LoginDialog
open() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.ValidateFeedDialog
Display the dialog
open() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.Sleak
Open sleak
openBrowserExtern - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.PropertyChangeManager
openBrowserExtern - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.GlobalSettings
TRUE: Open the browser external
FALSE: Use the internal browser in RSSOwl
openBrowserExternCheck - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.BrowserProperties
openBrowserInNewTab - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.PropertyChangeManager
openConnection() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao.ConnectionManager
Open the connection and retrieve the InputStream from the Server.
openDialogsCount - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.LoginDialog
Count number of opened dialogs
openDialogsCount - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.WidgetShop
Global counter for all opened non-modal Dialogs.
openExternalItem - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsText
openFeed - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.FeedDiscoveryDialog
openFeed(TableItem) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.FeedDiscoveryDialog
Open selected item as newsfeed in the tabfolder
openFeed - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.FeedSearchDialog
openFeed(TableItem) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.FeedSearchDialog
Open selected item as newsfeed in the tabfolder
openFeedInBrowser() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.panel.ErrorPanel
Open the URL from the opened CTabItem inside the browser
openInBrowserItem - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.NewsText
openItem - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.tray.SystemTray
openLink(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.BrowserShop
Open a link in the external browser
openLinkInTab(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.BrowserShop
Open the given URL in a tab with the given title
openNewBrowserWindow - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.GlobalSettings
TRUE: Open each internal browser in a new tab
FALSE: Open each internal browser in the same tab
openNewBrowserWindowCheck - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.BrowserProperties
openOnStartup - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.model.Favorite
TRUE if the feed should open on startup
openOnStartupCheck - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.properties.FavoritesProperties
openRSSFromLocal(SAXBuilder, boolean) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao.NewsfeedFactory
Trys to open the RSS from the local path
openTutorialShell() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.TutorialBrowser
Show the tutorial in the internal browser on a new Shell.
openUrl(String) - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.panel.BrowserPanel
Open a new URL in the browser
openWebBrowser(String) - Static method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.BrowserShop
Open the webbrowser on Linux or Solaris
operationCanceld() - Method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.statusline.StatusLine
The current running operation was canceld by the user.
operations - Static variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dnd.NewsTabFolderDND
Support drag and drop operations
opmlFilePath - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao.Importer
origurl - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.model.NewsItem
Set by AmphetaRate for feed XML included in news
outerNewsFeedLoader - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.thread.AggregationLoader
Thread to load the aggregated category
overrideDTD - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.thread.FeedValidator
overrideDTDCheck - Variable in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog.ValidateFeedDialog
overwrite() - Static method in class net.sourceforge.rssowl.util.shop.FileShop
Open dialog to ask if the file should be overwritten

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y _
RSSOwl - RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader

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