Uses of Class

Packages that use Category

Uses of Category in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller that return Category
 Category FavoritesTree.getSelectedCat()
          Get the selected category
 Category FavoritesTree.getSelectedCat(String path)
          Get the selected category from the given path

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller with parameters of type Category
 void EventManager.actionCategoryToOPML(Category selectedCat)
          Export selected category into OPML format
 void EventManager.actionCategoryToOPML(Category selectedCat, String fileName)
          Export selected category into OPML format
 String EventManager.actionNewCategory(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parent, Category parentCategory)
          Add a new category
 void EventManager.actionNewFavorite(String url, String title, Category selectedCategory)
          Display the "New favorite" dialog and create the new favorite if possible
 void EventManager.actionSynchronizeBlogroll(Category blogrollRootCategory)
          Synchronize the selected Blogroll
(package private)  void EventManager.actionAggregateCategory(Category rssOwlCategory, String searchPattern, boolean reload)
          Open all favorits of the selected category and subcategorys
(package private)  void EventManager.actionMarkCategoryRead(Category selectedCategory, boolean updateSysTrayStatus)
          Mark the favorites on an entire category read
(package private)  void EventManager.actionSearchInCategory(Category rssOwlCategory)
          Search in an entire category
 void FavoritesTree.addCategory(String name, Category parentCat)
          Add a new category to the Tree
 void FavoritesTree.addFavorite(Category selectedCat, String link, String title, Favorite oldFavorite)
          Add a new Favorite to the Tree
private  void FavoritesTree.addCategoryOrFavorite(Hashtable favoritOrCategory, TreeSet sortedTitles, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget parent, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Recursivly add Favorites and Categorys to the URL Tree.
private  void FavoritesTree.restoreExpanded(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem[] items, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Recursivly restore expanded status for the TreeItems
(package private)  void FavoritesTree.renameCategory(Category category, String newTitle)
          Rename the given Category using the new title
 org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem NewsTabFolder.getTabItem(Category aggregatedCategory)
          Get the tabitem for the given category or NULL.

Uses of Category in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog

Fields in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog declared as Category
(package private)  Category BlogrollDialog.blogrollCategory
private  Category CategoryDialog.parent

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog that return Category
(package private)  Category SelectCategoryDialog.getSelectedCategory()
          Get the associated Category model object for the selection in the category tree or the root category if no selection was made or the tree is empty

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog with parameters of type Category
private  void SelectCategoryDialog.buildCatTree(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TreeItem parent, Category cat)
          Recursivly write all categorys and subcategories to the tree

Constructors in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.dialog with parameters of type Category
BlogrollDialog(GUI rssOwlGui, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parentShell, String dialogTitle, String dialogMessage, Category blogrollCategory)
          Dialog is in "Edit Blogroll" Mode.
CategoryDialog(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parentShell, String dialogTitle, String dialogMessage, Category parent)
          Creates an input dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.
CategoryDialog(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell parentShell, String dialogTitle, String dialogMessage, String catName, Category parent)
          Creates an input dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.

Uses of Category in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.thread

Fields in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.thread declared as Category
(package private)  Category AggregationLoader.aggregatedCategory
          The category that is aggregated

Constructors in net.sourceforge.rssowl.controller.thread with parameters of type Category
AggregationLoader(TreeSet favorites, Category aggregatedCategory, GUI rssOwlGui, String title)
          Instantiate a new AggregationLoader
AggregationLoader(TreeSet favorites, Category aggregatedCategory, GUI rssOwlGui, String title, String searchPattern)
          Instantiate a new AggregationLoader

Uses of Category in net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao

Fields in net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao declared as Category
private  Category Importer.targetCategory

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao that return Category
private  Category SettingsLoader.loadCategory(Category rssOwlCategory, org.jdom.Element catOrFav)
          Load a category from the Element

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao with parameters of type Category
 void Exporter.exportCategoryToOPML(Category rssOwlCategory)
          Export the given Category to a XML OPML file.
 void Exporter.exportFavoriteToOPML(Favorite favorite, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Export the given Favorite to a XML OPML file.
private  void Exporter.exportCategoryToOPML(Category rssOwlCategory, org.jdom.Element element)
          Recursivly export categories / favorits to the OPML file
private  void Importer.importFromOPML(org.jdom.Element element, Category rssOwlCategory, boolean fromBlogroll)
          Recursivly import categorys / favorits from the OPML file
private  Category SettingsLoader.loadCategory(Category rssOwlCategory, org.jdom.Element catOrFav)
          Load a category from the Element
private  Favorite SettingsLoader.loadFavorite(Category rssOwlCategory, org.jdom.Element catOrFav)
          Load a favorite from the Element
private  void SettingsLoader.loadFavorites(Category rssOwlCategory, org.jdom.Element element)
          Load categories and favorites from the XML.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.rssowl.dao with parameters of type Category
Importer(String opmlFilePath, Category targetCategory)
          Instantiate a new Importer
Importer(String opmlFilePath, String categoryTitle, Category targetCategory)
          Instantiate a new Importer

Uses of Category in net.sourceforge.rssowl.model

Fields in net.sourceforge.rssowl.model declared as Category
private static Category Category.rootCategory
          The root category of all categories in RSSOwl
private  Category Category.parent
          Parent category of this category
private  Category Channel.aggregatedCategory
          If this is an aggregation, the aggregated category
private  Category Favorite.rssOwlCategory
          The category this favorite is saved into
private  Category TabItemData.aggregatedCategory

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.model that return Category
static Category Category.getRootCategory()
          Get the root category of all categories used in RSSOwl to store favorites or other cats.
 Category Category.getParent()
 Category Channel.getAggregatedCategory()
 Category Favorite.getRSSOwlCategory()
          Get the rssOwlCategory this favorite is saved into.
 Category TabItemData.getAggregatedCategory()

Methods in net.sourceforge.rssowl.model with parameters of type Category
 void Category.addCategory(Category rssOwlCategory)
          Add a subcategory to this category
 void Category.addCategory(Category rssOwlCategory, boolean makeUniqueTitle)
          Add a subcategory to this category
 void Category.checkUseProxy(Category rssOwlCategory)
          Check recursivly what state the use proxy setting has
 void Category.getAllFavoriteTitles(TreeSet allFavoriteTitles, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Recursivly get all favorite titles also from the subcategorys
 void Category.getLoadOnStartupFavorites(TreeSet loadOnStartupFavorites, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Recursivly get all favorites also from the subcategorys that should autoload on startup of RSSOwl
 void Category.removeCategory(String name, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Remove a subcategory from this category.
 void Category.setParent(Category parent)
          If the category is moved it is usefull to set the parent explicitly without calling the constructor.
private  void Category.setUseProxy(Category rssOwlCategory, boolean enabled)
          Recursivly update state of use proxy
 boolean TabItemData.showsCategory(Category category)
          Check if the given Category is aggregated in this TabItem

Constructors in net.sourceforge.rssowl.model with parameters of type Category
Category(String name, Category parent, boolean isBlogroll)
          Instantiate a new Category
Channel(String title, Category aggregatedCategory, Vector rssChannels, TreeSet aggregatedFavorites, boolean generateUniqueTitles)
          This constructor is used to aggregate a Vector of RSSChannels into one channel.
Favorite(String url, String title, Category rssOwlCategory)
          Instantiate a new Favorite
TabItemData(String url, String title, Category aggregatedCategory, org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table newsHeaderTable, Channel rssChannel, BrowserPanel rssOwlBrowserPanel, int type)
          Private constructor which is used by the factory methods.

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